Detik dahulu…

Betapa aku rindukan saat lalu…

Tika aku sentiasa bergembira

bersama taulan kecilku,

Tika aku dimarahi ibu

dek membuat saudara kecilku tak keruan,

Tika aku disebat ayah

apabila melihatku bersaing basikal dengan kawan-kawan selepas kelas mengaji,

Tika datukku mengajarkanku kalimah Allah

memujuk aku yang selalu menangis dipukul,

Tika nenek menegah aku

daripada mengganggunya membuat kuih untuk jualan,

Tika kawan-kawan aku membuatku marah

kerana mengejek diriku yang lebih besar daripada mereka,

Tika aku berehat

sambil membaca koleksi buku rujukan ibu,

Tika aku menangis

apabila ditampar ayah kerana mencuri dan berbohong,

Tika aku jatuh hati

apabila aku jatuh daripada basikal semasa berusia 6 tahun,

Tika aku sakit

apabila ayah membawaku keluar bersiar-siar sehingga terlena,

Tika aku ketawa

kerana suka mengusik kawanku,

Tika aku penat

dipaksa guru berlumba lari 100 meter,

Tika aku sedih

kehilangan guru dan kawan yang disayangi,

Tika aku berpuas hati

meraih kejayaan dan apa yang aku idamkan,

Tika aku banyak berfikir

mengenai cita-citaku sebagai saintis,

Tika aku diam

mendengar luahan hati insan yang memerlukan…



tidak seperti dahulu,

dan betapa aku

rindukan saat-saat lalu…

Falling for PHP language…

What is PHP?

Taken directly from PHP’s home,, “PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.”

This is generally a good definition of PHP. However, it does contain a lot of terms you may not be used to. Another way to think of PHP is a powerful, behind the scenes scripting language that your visitors won’t see!

When someone visits your PHP webpage, your web server processes the PHP code. It then sees which parts it needs to show to visitors(content and pictures) and hides the other stuff(file operations, math calculations, etc.) then translates your PHP into HTML. After the translation into HTML, it sends the webpage to your visitor’s web browser.

PHP – What’s it do?

It is also helpful to think of PHP in terms of what it can do for you. PHP will allow you to:

  • Reduce the time to create large websites.
  • Create a customized user experience for visitors based on information that you have gathered from them.
  • Open up thousands of possibilities for online tools. Check out PHP – HotScripts for examples of the great things that are possible with PHP.
  • Allow creation of shopping carts for e-commerce websites.

What You Should Know

Before starting this tutorial it is important that you have a basic understanding and experience in the following:

  • HTML – Know the syntax and especially HTML Forms.
  • Basic programming knowledge – This isn’t required, but if you have any traditional programming experience it will make learning PHP a great deal easier.